Other people don't believe it's their problem. They want to be driving 4x4s around a city, revving up engines, using 50 carrier bags when 3 would be enough, all that sort of thing because when the consequences really start to happen - they're not going to be affected. (They don't care that any children they have or might have, will be affected). Then there are the people who don't believe they can make a difference, so they don't even try.
In the battle to get green issues higher up agendas, we have to persuade these sets of people that climate change is happening, environmental issues are already affecting everyone and that even little adjustments add up to make a difference. I'd like everyone to consider a few things:
- Are you sure that it's absolutely necessary for every light to be on in your house right now? Are there any rooms where you've got 2, 3, 4 lamps / lights on when 1 less would still be enough? Or maybe you're not using a room, does it need lights on at all?
- What about other electrical items? Any on standby? Do they need to be on?
According to the Government's website www.direct.gov.uk?actionco2 £800million could be saved ea
ch year in the UK if people turned off their unused appliances rather than leaving them on standby. A further £140million is wasted by leaving lights on unnecessarily. Imagine how much carbon could be saved by the flick of a switch.

- Is your home too hot? It's been jolly cold lately, but is your heating on high enough to wear a t-shirt? I know quite a few people who like the warmth so much their homes are hot enough to wear their summer clothes all year round. Perhaps you could wear a long-sleeve top - or perhaps a jumper. Winter fashions are just as lovely.
- Driving at slower speeds you get a better petrol consumption. This is also improved by driving more smoothly, braking just a bit earlier and by pulling away more gently - avoiding revving the engine too much (and it will only add a couple of minutes to your journey).
If you're not too fussed about green issues or are sitting on the fence, think about them from a selfish point of view:
- Better petrol consumption - cheaper fuel costs
- Fewer lights / electrical items on - cheaper electricity bills
- Only boiling enough water for present needs - kettle boils quicker
- Turning your heating down by 1degree could save you up to 10% on your heating bill
- Even keeping to the speed limit on motorways (ie doing 70mph not 80mph) will save 10% on your fuel bill
If you're curious about what your carbon footprint is then visit http://carboncalculator.direct.gov.uk/carboncalc/html/
So, whilst you're thinking, why not try 1 or 2 of the above? It'll save you some money and help the earth a bit too.
So, whilst you're thinking, why not try 1 or 2 of the above? It'll save you some money and help the earth a bit too.
Remember we're not really trying to save the earth - she'll be here until the sun swallows her up but we do have to do something if the human race wants to continue surviving.
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